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Japanese Auctions. What to expect?
A short guide about what to expect from auctions in Japan
More than 100.000 cars are auctioned every week! Cars are mostly visible in the auction system for two days before the actual auction date. The auctions in Japan have a broad variation of cars to offer. These auctions are different from most auctions in other countries. You will not only find cars that are damaged or have problems like in many other countries. Most cars on the Japanese auctions are in quite good condition actually. To determine which car is good and which is not, every car comes with a couple of pictures and an auction sheet like shown below. All important info is mentioned on these sheets. Pre purchase we will provide you a translation for every car you would like to bid on.
(1)lot number
(2)year, type, engine
(3)auction grade, condition
(1)mileage, colour
(2)transmission, A/C
(3)Salespoints seller
(1)condition, hints
(2)damage sheet

Since there are so many cars sold every week, we will filter them by your criteria and only present you cars that fit your requirements. This is the most efficient way to find the right car for you!
Auctions are not the only place to get a good deal for your desired car. Often dealerships have good offers, too! We are posting good deals in our Instagram Story every day! Make sure to check it out!
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